Course Description

An examination of God’s call for leaders to be restored into the image of God through the lens of biblical theology.

Students will study examples of servant leadership and compare and contrast discipleship and leadership. They will examine positive and negative examples of leadership and evaluate the methods used by leaders in the Bible to accomplish a range of activities. Students will compare and contrast these biblical examples with examples from their own cultural context of leadership. The biblical theological approach will then bridge into practical leadership issues that face ministers today.

Course Rational

Like any other institution, leadership is important in the church, but in this context leadership must reflect biblical values and priorities. Leadership is a form of empowering for service and the servant model is the template given by Christ. This unit will identify the spiritual gift of leadership and calling that occurs among believers that must be recognized and developed. All believers need to be discipled and empowered for ministry. Those with leadership gifts should be identified as a result of effective discipleship. Leaders are first discipled and then disciple others. Leaders who are not actively discipling others cannot be effective leaders.

Intended Course Outcomes through Engagements

Students will show growth in the following ways:

  1. Character Formation: Develop personal formation through exploring the life of leaders in the Bible.
  2. Content Processing with Peers: Explore the strengths and weaknesses of leaders by examining biblical and contemporary examples of leaders.
  3. Ministry Capability Development: Develop a philosophy of leadership.
  4. Application in Mission and Community: Apply biblical leadership principles in the local church.


  • Syllabus
  • Asia-Pacific Module Handbook