The Asia-Pacific Regional Course of Study Advisory Committee (RCOSAC) keeps updated the Asia-Pacific Region Sourcebook on Ordination & Ministerial Development. All District Studies Boards, Ministerial Credential Boards, and educational institutions on the Asia-Pacific Region should consult this for the process of ordaining a minister on the region. This document can be accessed by clicking Asia-Pacific Region Sourcebook on Ordination & Ministerial Development.

The RCOSAC has also prepared a shorter version of the above Sourcebook: Sourcebook Digest for Ministry Boards and Candidates. It does not replace the original Sourcebook but instead attempts to make the processes and details about ministerial development easier to understand. If there are any questions about the content, the reader must review the Asia-Pacific Regional Sourcebook for final answers. That is to say, the regional sourcebook and the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene are the ultimate authorities.