Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations

Author: David Ackerman

22 – B311 NT Exegesis General Epistles

Course Description

An exegetical and theological study of the books of the New Testament General Epistles of Hebrews, James, 1, 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John, and Jude.

These letters offer a unique perspective to the development and theology of the early church that is non-Pauline. Students will develop more skill in interpreting the Bible by studying these books. Students will learn to identify the key themes, background, and application of these letters. Particular attention will be paid to what these books teach about holiness. Students will be able to explain and practice how faith must be reflected in both the quality of relationships and deeds of compassion without regard to the social status of the person who receives our attention. The relevance of the concerns of these early Christian communities such as identity, unity, behavior and spiritual warfare will be explored.

Course Rational

The early church developed in various contexts. Many of these contexts can be known and others are implied. These letters deal with many topics that are still relevant to the church today. These letters contain theology of second-generation Christians. We can gain a look at how the early church understood the person, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We can also see their struggles to understand their faith and find unity in a pagan environment. Through it all, we can see the commitment of the early believers and solid faith in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Intended Course Outcomes through Engagements

Students will show growth in the following ways:

  1. Character Formation: Model new insights about Jesus Christ gained by a careful reading and interaction with the Bible and the General Epistles.
  2. Content Processing with Peers: Evaluate and apply truths that emerge from the interpretation of the General Epistles.
  3. Ministry Capability Development: Relate the themes of each epistle to both personal and ministry contexts in going from text to proclamation.
  4. Application in Mission and Community: Develop a plan for community outreach based upon the leading of the Holy Spirit through study of the General Epistles.


  • Syllabus
  • Asia-Pacific Module Handbook

22 – B311 NT Exegesis General Epistles

Course Description

An exegetical and theological study of the books of the New Testament General Epistles of Hebrews, James, 1, 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John, and Jude.

These letters offer a unique perspective to the development and theology of the early church that is non-Pauline. Students will develop more skill in interpreting the Bible by studying these books. Students will learn to identify the key themes, background, and application of these letters. Particular attention will be paid to what these books teach about holiness. Students will be able to explain and practice how faith must be reflected in both the quality of relationships and deeds of compassion without regard to the social status of the person who receives our attention. The relevance of the concerns of these early Christian communities such as identity, unity, behavior and spiritual warfare will be explored.

Course Rational

The early church developed in various contexts. Many of these contexts can be known and others are implied. These letters deal with many topics that are still relevant to the church today. These letters contain theology of second-generation Christians. We can gain a look at how the early church understood the person, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We can also see their struggles to understand their faith and find unity in a pagan environment. Through it all, we can see the commitment of the early believers and solid faith in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Intended Course Outcomes through Engagements

Students will show growth in the following ways:

  1. Character Formation: Model new insights about Jesus Christ gained by a careful reading and interaction with the Bible and the General Epistles.
  2. Content Processing with Peers: Evaluate and apply truths that emerge from the interpretation of the General Epistles.
  3. Ministry Capability Development: Relate the themes of each epistle to both personal and ministry contexts in going from text to proclamation.
  4. Application in Mission and Community: Develop a plan for community outreach based upon the leading of the Holy Spirit through study of the General Epistles.


  • Syllabus
  • Asia-Pacific Module Handbook

19 – B301 OT Exegesis Old Testament Prophets

Course Description 

An introductory study of the historical and sociological background, theology, and application of the Major and Minor Prophets of the Old Testament.

This course focuses upon the Old Testament texts of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Particular attention is paid to the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. This subject moves on from introduction to more detailed expositional study.

Course Rational

Old Testament prophetic literature contains some of history’s most profound messages in response to the social-cultural issues of ancient Israel and Judah. The church of today faces many of the same types of issues. Understanding this literature is important for addressing issues that the church faces today. These books also provide background for the New Testament theology. Since a thorough grounding in biblical literature is foundational for those who minister, practical application and relevance for preaching and teaching ministries are given special attention.

Intended Course Outcomes through Engagements

Students will show growth in the following ways:

  1. Character Formation: Apply biblical study to personal spiritual formation and to ministry responses including preaching and teaching.
  2. Content Processing with Peers: Identify the theological motifs and understand ethical implications contained in the Old Testament prophetic literature.
  3. Ministry Capability Development: Explain the message of a passage from the Prophets in such a way that it leads to the spiritual growth of a group of people.
  4. Application in Mission and Community: Identify and explain relevant ways that the Prophets speak to needs within the students’ cultural context.


  • Syllabus
  • Asia-Pacific Module Handbook

9 – AD201 Nazarene Identity

Course Description

A study of the history and polity of the Church of the Nazarene, with attention given to practical administration of the local church, the Articles of Faith and Covenant of Christian Conduct, and accountability structures to assist integrity.

The course includes how to use correct accounting procedures, making budgets, fund raising, using designated income, and expenses. A brief history of the Church of the Nazarene will be included, including the history of the denomination in the student’s own country. The course will cover the Local, District, and General structures, nature, and purpose as well as how they are funded. Students will role-play practice the various boards and positions found in our Nazarene government at the three levels (with a strong focus on the local level structures). Student will also role-play practice training others to take over various administrative tasks. The structures of the Church of the Nazarene will be compared with other church structures currently used around the world.

Course Rational

Administration is a weekly experience for pastors. They may write a research paper a few times during their ministry, but they will turn in expenses, run meetings, count members, and turn in reports every week, month, and year for their whole ministry. Many pastors prefer to teach and preach, but the Church of the Nazarene places the administrative burden directly on the pastor. The only staff member at most small churches is the pastor. They are often the most highly educated member of their congregation. Members expect them to be able to handle administration with integrity and skill. The way a pastor handles administration often sets the trust level of a congregation in other areas as well. Many local church conflicts can be avoided by using well-run transparent systems.

Intended Course Outcomes through Engagements

Students will show growth in the following ways:

  1. Character Formation: Live and lead with moral integrity and in accordance with the tenets of doctrinal affirmations and code of conduct of the Church of the Nazarene.
  2. Content Processing with Peers: Explain the history and polity of the Church of the Nazarene to the members of the congregation and those who are interested about the denomination.
  3. Ministry Capability Development: Apply the ethos and policies of the Church of the Nazarene in ministerial responsibilities such as preaching, administration, counseling, and managing resources.
  4. Application in Mission and Community: Integrate the doctrinal affirmations and denominational emphases of the Church of the Nazarene in all the missional endeavors of the local congregation.


  • Syllabus
  • Asia-Pacific Module Handbook