
Prayer is uniquely designed by the triune God based on His desire for humans to be able to communicate with Him. It is created in every human’s nature in order for everyone to know Him and to know the world through Him. Because of the fall of humanity, people who do not have a personal relationship with God tend to pray to the wrong god or deny the existence of prayer. A true and heartfelt prayer happens when a genuine relationship between God and humanity is established. It brings out repentance, forgiveness, freedom and life. It is not idle, ritual or ceremonial, though it can be used in ritual and ceremonies. Prayer brings out the action that the Lord has communicated with the individual in full obedience. It should not be limited as only a punctual activity but more of a lifestyle. It is worship, spiritual breathing, continuous life sustaining, walking with the Lord. It involves both opening hearts to the Lord and listening to Him as well. It is both a channel for transformation and a process to transform lives.



  • With a loving heart (Lk.6:28)
  • Unconditionally (Mt.5:44)
  • With a forgiving heart (Mk.11:25)
  • With a righteous heart (Mt.23:14, Mk.12:40)
  • With faith (Mt.21:22, Mk.11:24)
  • With a humble heart
  • Faithful in prayer (Rm 12:12)


  • Spirit prays for us (Rm.8:26)
  • Scripture teachings on prayer
  • Types of prayers
  • For whom to pray


  • Lifelong (Lk.5:16, 6:12)
  • Early in the morning (Mk.1:35)
  • Unceasing (1 Thes.5:17)
  • Pray for everyone (1Tim.2:1)
  • Not giving up (Lk.18:1)
  • Always (Lk.18:1; Rm1:10)
  • Do not keep on babbling (Mt.6:7)
  • Not on the street(Mt.6:6)
  • Pray with obedience (Mt.26:39, 42, 44)
  • Watchful (Lk.22:46; Col.4:3)
  • At all times (Rm1:10)
  • With all kinds of prayers (Eph.6:18)
  • Pray for Saints (Eph. 6:18)
  • Pray for everything (Phi.4:6)


  1. Model the prayers of Christ and His relationship to the Father through a strong passion for a life of prayer shown by devoting time to prayer and keeping a prayer journal, including a list of lost people for whom God has made them responsible. PRA-1
  2. Explain different types of prayers, including the difference between a Biblical prayer and prayers from other religions, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and folk religions, etc. Explain speaking in tongues from a Nazarene perspective. Explain various life situation prayers, and be able to list various kinds of historical prayers. PRA-2
  3. Explain why we need to pray and the difference between occasional prayer and unceasing prayer. Explain how to teach their congregation to pray, using OT and NT examples to produce passion in prayer. PRA-3