
Sabbath has been part of creation since the beginning. Worship is a crucial part of Sabbath. Sabbath allows people to take their hands off doing and to rest in God’s presence. Taking one day a week to rest one’s mind and body allows for spiritual and physical renewal. Sabbath provides an image for the sanctified life where one has ceased the struggle again sin. Pastors can get busy not only with ministry, but family and outside work if they are bi-vocational. Sabbath preserves one from burnout and builds strength for the demands of ministry.



  • Worship


  • Biblical basis for Sabbath


  • Take one day a week for rest


  1. Model how Jesus took time to be with the Father by taking a weekly defined time of rest and communion with God. SAB-1
  2. Explain the biblical and theological foundations and benefits of Sabbath. Explain the difference between a legalistic understanding of Sabbath and the grace that is available to us in a Sabbath time. SAB-2