Course Description

A study of the literary, historical, social, and theological aspects of the four Gospels.

Attention will be given to each author’s point of view and what is the same and what is different about the descriptions of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Students will study the messages of the Gospels for the first Christians and their importance to modern readers. Students will understand a basic outline of at least one Gospel.

Course Rational

The four Gospels are unique in literature. They have many interesting features that keep scholars debating. However, for the beginning student, it is important to know how to interpret the Gospels for life and ministry by studying their inspiration, stories, and application. The course seeks to ensure that new ministers have the tools necessary to model, teach and preach accurately from the Gospels.

Intended Course Outcomes through Engagements

Students will show growth in the following ways:

  1. Character Formation: Respond with personal commitment to the call to discipleship as recorded in the New Testament Gospels.
  2. Content Processing with Peers: Demonstrate an understanding of what the four Gospels teach about Jesus.
  3. Ministry Capability Development: Relate the major themes and events of Jesus’ life and ministry to the present context.
  4. Application in Mission and Community: Apply the teachings of Jesus to the local community in a way that will bring positive change and commitment.


  • Syllabus
  • Asia-Pacific Module Handbook